Windows 8 disable swipe gestures

How do I turn off the gesture swipe on windows 8

Swipe Gestures in Windows 8

Along with the introduction to Windows 8, Microsoft also introduced some swipe gestures for both the mouse and the touchscreen. One very annoying ‘feature’ is the swipe on the mouse that switches screens. When you drag your finger from the bottom left corner of your screen up, it switches between your recent apps. Similar to ALT+TAB.

To disable the corner navigation follow these steps:

  1. Go to your PC Settings (swipe in from the right-hand side of your screen 😉
    • Windows 8 change pc settings
  2. Then go down to PC and devices
    • Windows 8 change PC settings
  3. Go down to Corners and edges
    • Windows 8 disable swipe gestures

Here are some common actions using touch

The following table shows how to do some common actions on your PC by using touch. For a full list of touch gestures, see Touch: Swipe, tap, and beyond.

For a full list of keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard shortcuts.

Action How to do it Keyboard shortcut

Open the charms

How to do it

Swipe in from the right edge of your screen.

Keyboard shortcut
Windows logo key Windows logo key + C

Show commands for an app

How to do it

Swipe in from the top or bottom edge of the screen.

Keyboard shortcut
Windows logo key Windows logo key + Z

Switch to your last app

How to do it

Swipe in from the left edge of the screen.

Keyboard shortcut
Windows logo key Windows logo key + Tab

See a list of recent apps

How to do it

Swipe in from the left edge, and with your finger still on the screen, move it back toward the left edge.

Keyboard shortcut
Press and hold the Windows logo key Windows logo key + Tab

Close an app

How to do it

Drag the app from the top edge of the screen to the bottom of the screen.

Keyboard shortcut




How to do it

Touch the screen with two or more fingers, and then move your fingers toward each other (pinch) to zoom out or away from each other (stretch) to zoom in.

Keyboard shortcut

Ctrl+Plus Sign (+) or Ctrl+Minus Sign (-)


Select an item

How to do it

Swipe down or across the item, or press and hold to select it.

To see if you have a touchscreen

Your screen must be a touchscreen to use these interactions.

  1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Settings, and then tap Change PC settings.
    (If you’re using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, click Settings, and then click Change PC settings.)
  2. Click PC and devices, and then click PC info.

To check your screen resolution

Your screen resolution must be at least 1024 x 768 to have multiple windows and apps on your screen at the same time.

  1. Swipe in from the right edge of the screen, tap Settings, and then tap Change PC settings.
    (If you’re using a mouse, point to the lower-right corner of the screen, move the mouse pointer up, click Settings, and then click Change PC settings.)
  2. Tap or click PC and devices, and then tap or click Display.

See more from Microsoft and Windows 8 here. Also see the Getting around with touch from Microsoft

Posted in How-to, Operating System, Technology Blog, Tutorials and tagged , , .

Patrick O'Keeffe

Patrick is the founder, developer and chief blogger of Victoria Web Solutions. Passionate about technology, design and customer satisfaction. Read more about Patrick on his Team page.

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  1. I turned off the Corners and Edges option in Win 8 PC settings, even then the right side swipe settings were annoying me, then i went to the task bar icon for my Synaptics drivers, there i disabled the option “Enable Edge Swipes”.
    Now no annoying right side pc settings and time every time i try to move quickly my pointer from right to the left on the touch pad.

  2. Did this and did NOT work, the gestures still consistently popup annoying the hell out of me, have rechecked multiple times that it hasnt “turned back on” >:(

    • Hi Jason – sorry to hear still not working. I did some further reading and found this:

      In Control Panel – search for “Mouse and Keyboard”, or “Pen and Touch”, At the top of the list you will see “Turn on/off touchpad” with an on/off slider under it. To the right of it is a “Details” button. Click it. That will open up another box saying “Enable Multi-touch functions” In there you will see a selection for “Show Charm” Uncheck that, and you will not have to worry about those accidental swipes again.

      See if that works?


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