Apples iOS9

Apple announces iOS 9, prepare your device for download

Apple Announces iOS 9 Today Apple announced the release of iOS9 as the next major iteration of the operating system. Which, apparently comes in a much smaller package, 1.3GB versus it’s predecessor of 4.58GB. So you don’t have to scramble and delete your camera roll. Your device should be compatible if you were running iOS […]

what my iphone sees

Apple recalls some iPhone 6 Plus models due to blurry photos

iPhone 6 Camera Problems Your new shiny iPhone is pretty sweet, right? Except for those blurry photos! Apple has determined that, in a small percentage of iPhone 6 Plus devices, the iSight camera has a component that may fail causing your photos to look blurry. The affected units fall into a limited serial number range […]

Cycloramic for the iPhone 6

Panoramic pictures and videos for the iPhone 6

Cycloramic This is a brilliant app with an update for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Although I don’t have an iPhone, I’m excited by the iPhone 6 new camera and features. I really think we’re going to see some even more amazing videos in the next 12 months!

Apples iOS 8 Features

Privacy settings you should change in iOS 8

Previously, we discussed some of the new features that iOS 8 had to offer in this post, here are some updates to your privacy settings you should look at. Privacy Settings in IOS 8 Apple’s new operating system, iOS 8 has many features that are tied to your location, as well as new privacy settings […]