Windows 10 Chrome Settings

How to speed up Chrome

Speeding up Chrome Browser Google’s Chrome is an amazing browser. Typically it is fast and responsive but there is one particular tweak that can improve your browsing experience significantly. Chrome Settings One of the first settings I make in Chrome, which isn’t a Chrome setting, per se, but a Windows proxy setting.


Does Google use Keywords?

Keywords in Websites I recently came across this video and thought it would be great information to share. I didn’t know that Google dismisses the keywords due to over/mis-use over the years. So does Google use Keywords in their search algorithms? The answer is no. Their advice, use a good Meta Description. 

How to Clear Browser Cache

Clearing your browser cache is simple and helps you perform better and keep you safer while online. Some tips from the sources: Google Chrome Deleting cache and other browser data You have full control over your browsing data. This data includes your browsing and download history, cache, cookies, passwords, and saved form data. Use the […]