Windows 10 Keyboard settings task bar

Get rid of the É instead of question mark for Windows 10

Get Rid of É on Keyboard Find yourself typing away and go to hit the Question Mark and have É instead? press CTRL+SHIFT (press CTRL first and while holding press SHIFT, sometimes you have to do it twice in a row to disable.) ALSO SEE: Get rid of the É instead of question mark Update for Windows 10 […]

Windows 10 New “Free Up Space” Tool for Cleaning Up Your Hard Drive

Free Up Space Tool Windows 10 has recently launched an easy-to-use tool for freeing up disk space on your computer. It removes temporary files, system logs, previous Windows installations, and other files that are taking up space. This is an updated version to the previous Disk Cleanup tool that you accessed via the hard drive. […]

Change Photo Settings to zoom with mouse wheel

Change scroll behavior in default Windows 10 Photos app to zooming

How to change Windows Photo App to Zoom instead of View Next Photo If you are anything like me, when something you are used to doing in Windows changes, you get frustrated, curse Microsoft, move on and forget about it until the next time you are determined to figure it out? Sound like you? This […]

Rotate computer screen

How to rotate a laptop or PC screen

How to rotate your screen Quite often we come across shortcuts that aren’t necessarily helpful. If you have ever found yourself working away on your computer and your screen suddenly rotates, that is one of those times. While there are some legitimate reasons you would want to rotate your screen (i.e. using it as a […]

Unblock publisher windows 10

How do I unblock a publisher in Windows 10

Unblock app or file in Windows SmartScreen: Open the unknown or blocked app/file to trigger the Windows SmartScreen. Click on the More info link as shown in the image below. Click on the Run anyway button to run the app/file  

Windows 10

How to show hidden files in Windows 10

How to Show Hidden Files in Windows 10 There is no doubt that working your way around the new Windows 10 interface will take some time, but so far, it could be the best one Microsoft has developed yet! With that, here is a little tip to show you hidden files in the new operating […]