Tracking Page Clicks
Have you wondered what links your customers and visitors are clicking on your website? You may already track (or have someone track) your analytics to see who is visiting your website, from where, using what keywords, how long they stay and how many pages they visit. If not, you should be. This is the only real way to determine your sight’s Return on Investment (ROI).
Tracking in Google Analytics
If you have a Google analytics account, you can view this right from your admin dashboard. Simply scroll down to Behavior – then In-Page Analytics.
Note: recent security updates to Chrome and Firefox are causing some issues loading this insecure content (which isn’t a risk to load).
You can see the click map once the page loads.
Chrome Extension – Page Analytics
This Chrome extension provides you the same view from browsing to your site.
Download the Chrome Page Analytics extension
In-Page Analytics Click Map
This will only work with sites that you manage from your Google Analytics account.
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