Why Bother Business Blogging? Top 5 Reasons Why
Business blogging is as essential to your inbound marketing strategy as your ability to close a sale. Blogs not only improve your website’s SEO and answer your target market’s burning questions, they also gift you with prime on-page real estate for your ever-alluring call-to-action (CTA).
Maintaining a blog is hard work, so If you’re wondering “why bother?” keep on reading — below, we list the top five reasons why blogging is an absolute must for your business.
- Blogs keep your website doors open.
The most important thing to know about your website is it means nil if it’s not getting traffic. The best homepage and graphics can’t help you when you’re not ranking on search engines. And you can only pass out so many business cards. A blog works for you like an appointment setter would. It blasts out the blog posts you carefully wrote (or you outsourced) into search engines and captures all the relevant information people are searching for online. When you’ve got the answers, you get the traffic.
- Blogs give you the opportunity to convert your visitors.
Once you’ve got the traffic, you have your target market in your online store or office. That’s half the battle completed right there — with a blog! Your blog should be filled with useful information for your audience, along with tips and insights they couldn’t get anywhere else. Now that you have your audience’s attention, you can funnel them to your next giveaway, promotion, or appointment. Blogs are tools that help you capture attention and then artfully redirect it so you can gain the business you want from the customers already seeking you out.
- You make a name for yourself as the go-to.
Think about it from the other side: when you’re the one searching for an answer and you find the webpage with all the answers, you probably bookmark it. You develop respect for the authority you’ve clicked on and they stay with you. So, when it’s time to move forward with setting an appointment or purchasing a product, you already know who the go-to is. That’s the power of blogging — your expertise stays with your audience and they remember you.
- Blogging is a gift that keeps on giving.
When you write a blog, it’s not a throwaway piece of content. Breathe life into your blog with evergreen content and you have an online investment that keeps on giving over the years. Especially as you rank higher on search engines over time, this one content channel can turn your website traffic into a steady stream of leads delivered directly to your inbox. Are you seeing the big picture here?
- Blogs feed your other content channels.
If you’re doing it right, you’re using social media channels to stay connected and up to date with your audience and industry. Blogs give you the perfect pieces of content to share directly onto your online channels. Share on LinkedIn, your Facebook page, and even in your monthly newsletters. The more you share, the more visibility you get, which in turn, increases your web traffic, and keeps your audience coming back.